Why Guy Sebastian dazzles us in song and smiles

Guy Sebastian with Smile by Design Team

Success in the music or film industry today requires striking a balance between talent, appearance and confidence. Increasingly, entertainers at every level of fame use high quality cosmetic dentistry to maintain their poise before the press and in social media.
Smile By Design is proud of its reputation as Sydney’s ‘go-to’ cosmetic dentist for Australian celebrities, but the motivation – and the fears – of our high-profile patients in seeking a new smile are the same as those of our general clientele.

Smile your way through first impressions

Most people look into your eyes when you first meet, but having a great smile will make a positive impact on new people in any situation.
Juggling an already strong music industry career with the demands of a young family and plans to hit the US music industry too, there’s a lot going on for Guy Sebastian at the moment.
His ambitions for the competitive and image-conscious American music scene have the advantage of a solid 10 years of showmanship, but making a strong first impression with his new audience will be crucial in making the big break.
Smile By Design’s Dr Michael Tam has been a proud member of the likable singer’s background team in recent times. Having a new smile has given Guy even more self-assurance in managing public appearances and the ever-present cameras.
Guy came to Smile By Design because, “in the entertainment business, when the cameras get up close, it’s essential to have a big smile and nice looking teeth,” he said.
“Having a great smile gives you self-confidence too.”

Afraid of the dentist? So was Guy Sebastian.

Even people who make a living performing on stage in front of thousands of people can still be scared of the dentist.
Smile By Design is happy to report that for Guy, finding the right dentist who put an emphasis on pain-free treatment helped him overcome his anxiety.
The key to Guy leaving his fears of the dentist’s chair behind him was in Dr Tam creating an immediate rapport and strong trust in the process of designing Guy’s new smile. This was done by working together on a treatment plan that included establishing a simple dental health regime after the work was complete.
“It’s important to be able to build a good relationship with your dentist,” said Guy.
“Dr Tam is a top notch professional. I could not recommend him any higher for helping me understand the importance of keeping to a daily oral hygiene routine, even when I’m busy, tired or stressed.”
And after all, when you take better care of your teeth, you’ll need fewer visits to the dentist.
“I brush after major meals and I floss as often as I can. Flossing really makes a difference when you do it properly,” says Guy.

Anyone can benefit from cosmetic dentistry

Today there’s a camera – in the form of a smart phone – in almost everyone’s pocket or hand, at any time. Circulating photos on social media has made many people more aware of their appearance.
But it’s not just increased photo-sharing that has led more people from all walks to think about repairing their crooked smile.
Unlike Guy Sebastian, you may not come face to face with a camera lens every time you leave the house, but having your photo on social media can make an impression on influential people in your life.
Confidence can be as much a building block of career and social success for non-celebrities as it is for those in the public spotlight. Maintaining grace under any kind of daily pressure is easier when you know your smile looks its best.

You deserve a smile with star power too

Of course you can arrive by limousine if you wish, but at Smile By Design, you won’t see a red carpet stretching to the curb outside our dental surgery. All the same, you can be sure absolutely everyone we treat at our modern, fully-equipped surgery experiences the ‘red carpet treatment’ when it comes to creating a life-changing new smile.
Why not let us be on the team behind your new public image? Book an appointment today for a consultation as the first step in reaching your full potential.

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